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Our development process aims to engage students by discovering and meeting them at their areas of interest and passion.  From gaming, to sports, and even scrolling social media... we find the path to redirect the mindless engagement in recreational activities to sparking curiosity about how these platforms work and how they can be used to the benefit of our learners in their every day lives, for their communities, and for their long-term growth prospects.  

We gain and understanding of available AI tools and utilize them to increase the efficiency and quality of their project work.

At the end of each full session students produce a symposium where they exhibit their projects and project managers explain the process and impact that the project will have for their intended audiences.  

Students will also engage and establish relationships and correspondence with civic leaders at all levels in their schools and jurisdictions. 

This combination of exercises is designed to develop future citizens who understand the platforms that shape their daily lives and give them to tools to engage with and influence them.  

Our development process aims to engage students by discovering and meeting them at their areas of interest and passion.  From gaming, to sports, and even scrolling social media... we find the path to redirect the mindless engagement in recreational activities to sparking curiosity about how these platforms work and how they can be used to the benefit of our learners in their every day lives, for their communities, and for their long-term growth prospects.  

We gain and understanding of available AI tools and utilize them to increase the efficiency and quality of their project work.

At the end of each full session students produce a symposium where they exhibit their projects and project managers explain the process and impact that the project will have for their intended audiences.  

Students will also engage and establish relationships and correspondence with civic leaders at all levels in their schools and jurisdictions. 

This combination of exercises is designed to develop future citizens who understand the platforms that shape their daily lives and give them to tools to engage with and influence them.  


critical thinking

What is the most efficient way to build this code algorithm? Which crops grow best in my climate?  Why am I seeing this post in my social media algorithm? 

These are types of questions that our participants will be encouraged to confront.  From working through these and other challenges our students will develop the questioning and problem solving skills that will prepare them to thrive in whatever endeavors they take on. 

"You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."

- Maya Angelou 

Even in the midst of learning new skills and being exposed to new technologies we will consistently challenge our students to apply their own creative flair to project outputs.  From redesigning existing real world spaces to spaces in the metaverse, to finding exciting uses and marketing for Farmbot grown crops, no two project outputs will be the same and as a result our students will be guided to examine and the benefits and potential drawbacks of creative applications to projects and challenges. 



"If you want to go fast go alone . . .

if you want to go far go TOGETHER."

-African proverb

Our students will gain individual skills and knowledge in a diverse set of technologies and platforms.  But in order to craft a final project, they will be required to work effectively in teams.  In their training to be effective teammates, students will learn communication skills and practices such as giving and receiving constructive feedback, pair programming best practices, and recognizing and optimizing for work styles.  Students will be given roles/positions on project teams and will be assessed and do self-assessments of their performance in those roles. 

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